Paul Sakey Integrative Psychotherapy



- offers a safe, confidential environment to focus on, and resolve personal issues which may be causing pain, worry, or anxiety or a general feeling of unhappiness or stuckness in life.

These issues may centre around:

  • relationships at home or at work.
  • continuing fear and anxiety around situations or events from the past.
  • low confidence or self-esteem, or negative body image.
  • life changes, such as a loss of job or relationship, a divorce, or bereavement, or issues around pregnancy or termination of pregnancy.
  • eating disorders (including anorexia and bulimia) self-harm, alcoholism, or addiction.
  • insomnia, panic attacks, ocd, or phobias.
  • general self-destructive feelings, sense of futility, or suicidal thoughts.
  • depression, loneliness, boredom, stress, or general malaise, or feelings of lack of fulfillment or purpose in life.




I am a qualified, UKCP registered psychotherapist, with 34 years experience in clinical practice. The principle element underpinning the therapy is the ongoing relationship between client and therapist, within which my intention is to offer a safe environment in which issues can unfold and be explored.

My role and experience as a therapist and counsellor offers the client the chance to develop greater clarity, understanding, insight, connections and realisations leading to a resolution and an 'unfreezing' of areas of anxiety and stuckness.

It is a relational, talking approach, which, while focusing on tangible aspects of behaviour, will also invite awareness of deeper unconscious forces, which have, until now, remained unseen and invisible underneath. An obvious area to explore is the rich domain of family background and all its unique patterns, dynamics, behaviour, and thought systems. The connecting of this primary aspect to current behaviour and reality is an important process in the resolving of negative and self-destructive behaviour and thought patterns. Deeper awareness leads to a re-grouping and reorganisation of the psyche. Within this, more adaptive and productive strategies of thought and behaviour can be developed.

The unique relationship between client and therapist, and its atmosphere of talking, listening, and gentle confrontation, can bring to the surface 'frozen' layers from the past. For example, it may stimulate memories of relationships that may have been blocked or unfulfilled. As the client begins to have an experience of being truly seen, heard or understood, there may be reparation and resolution in this area. Contact with 'the other' mirrors contact with one's self - in essence, our relationships with others reflect our relationships with ourselves.

Psychotherapy can help resolve and heal difficult issues; it can help develop a greater habit of self-awareness, self-reflection and consciousness and thereby enhance a sense of depth and meaning to one's life.


Professional Background

I have worked as a psychotherapist and counsellor in a full-time practice in North London for 25 years, working with individuals and couples, in long-term or short-term therapy.

  • BA in Psychology

  • Registered with UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy)

  • Qualified as an Integrative Psychotherapist at the Chiron Centre for Holistic Psychotherapy, where I have also trained and qualified in Biodynamic Massage

  • Member of CABP (Chiron Association for Body Psychotherapists)

  • Registered with IARPP (The International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy)


Integrative Psychotherapy

Integrative Psychotherapy combines elements of Analytical and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Gestalt, Body Psychotherapy into one cohesive and highly effective mode of working - it is a Relational approach - centred in this unique space between Client and Therapist.

I also have a practise specialising in Integrative Coaching for Corporate Clients

I am now offering Supervision to qualified and traineee psychotherapists and counsellors.

First Appointment


Contact me to arrange an initial session on:

for further information.



Muswell Hill

My practice is a North London practice based in Muswell Hill, North London and is within easy reach of Camden, Belsize Park, Hampstead,Highgate, Golders Green, Cricklewood, Willesden, Islington, Hendon, Stoke Newington and Finchley although clients come from much further afield.


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